Allen & Heath SQ‑6


Allen & Heath SQ 6 Digital Mixer

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Digi­ta­ler 48-Kanal-Mixer

Der Allen & Heath – SQ 6 ist ein digi­ta­ler Mixer der nächs­ten Generation…

Ange­trie­ben von der revo­lu­tio­nä­ren XCVI 96 kHz FPGA-Engi­ne von Allen & Heath, ist SQ‑5 für Pro­fis in anspruchs­vol­len Live-Sound‑, Auf­nah­me- und Strea­ming-Anwen­dun­gen kon­zi­piert. Der SQ‑5 lie­fert erst­klas­si­ges hoch­auf­lö­sen­des Audio mit einer extrem nied­ri­gen Latenz­zeit von <0,7 ms und bie­tet Ihnen unüber­trof­fe­ne Leis­tung und Audiotreue.

Com­pact Digi­tal Mixer for Live, Stu­dio and Instal­la­ti­on
48 Input Chan­nels
24 Local Mic Inputs (XLR)
2 ¼” Ste­reo Inputs (TRS)
1 3.5mm Ste­reo Input
36 Total Bus­ses
12 Ste­reo Mix (Aux or Group) + Main
16 Assi­gnable Local Out­puts (14 XLR + 2 ¼” TRS)
AES Digi­tal Out­put
Dedi­ca­ted Talk­back mic input (XLR)
¼” TRS Head­pho­ne out with dedi­ca­ted con­trol
SLink Ether­CON con­nec­tion for remo­te audio using dSnake/ME, DX or GigaACE/GX pro­to­col (128x128 chan­nels)
I/O Port for Opti­on Card (inclu­ding 3rd par­ty pro­to­cols – Dante/Waves)
8 Mute Groups
8 DCA Groups
8 Ste­reo FX with dedi­ca­ted FX Returns
DEEP Pro­ces­sing Rea­dy
Rack­FX Effects suite
7″ colour touch­screen
16 Assi­gnable Soft­Keys
4 Assi­gnable Soft Rota­ries
Dedi­ca­ted phy­si­cal con­trols for chan­nel pro­ces­sing (Gain, HPF Fre­quen­cy, Gate Thres­hold, Com­pres­sor Thres­hold, Pan, EQ Gain/Frequency/Width)
24+1 Faders with 6 Lay­ers for 144 assi­gnable Chan­nel Strips
Moto­ri­sed faders for sends on faders, GEQ fader flip and mix recall
24 Back­lit LCD Chan­nel Strip dis­plays
Chro­ma­tic Chan­nel Meter­ing
Inte­gra­ted Sur­face Illu­mi­na­ti­on
Single/Dual Foots­witch Con­trol
Input chan­nel pairs switcha­ble mono/stereo
Patcha­ble Insert points
Input pro­ces­sing – Trim, HPF, Gate, PEQ, Com­pres­sor, Delay
Out­put pro­ces­sing – Gra­phic EQ, PEQ, Com­pres­sor, Delay
DEEP Auto­ma­tic Mic Mixing
2 31/61 Band Real Time Ana­ly­sers
Quick copy/paste/reset for para­me­ters
User Per­mis­si­ons to rest­rict ope­ra­tor access
300 Sce­ne memo­ries per show
Chan­nel Safes, Glo­bal and per Sce­ne Recall Fil­ters
FX, pro­ces­sing and chan­nel Libra­ri­es
SQ-Dri­ve for ste­reo and mul­ti­track recording/playback direct to USB dri­ve
USB trans­fer of Sce­nes, Libra­ri­es, Shows
32x32 chan­nel USB strea­ming to/from Mac/PC
MIDI via USB or TCP/IP, inclu­ding DAW con­trol opti­ons
Remo­te mixing apps for iPad, Android, Mac and PC
Com­pa­ti­ble with ME per­so­nal moni­to­ring range


Tech­ni­cal Specs

  • 96kHz FPGA Processing
  • 48 Input Channels
  • 24 Onboard Preamps
  • DEEP Pro­ces­sing Ready
  • 12 Ste­reo Mixes + LR
  • 3 Ste­reo Matrix
  • 8 Ste­reo FX Engi­nes + Dedi­ca­ted Returns
  • 64ch I/O Port for Audio Networking
  • 32×32 USB Audio Interface
  • Ran­ge of Remo­te Expanders
  • Sui­ta­ble for: 
    • Live
    • Stu­dio
    • Strea­ming
    • A/V Install
    • Cor­po­ra­te Audio
    • Hou­ses of Worship


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